Get Involved
You are the HSA!!
Our HSA is an organization of all parents in the school, being led by a small group of parents (board members) committed to enhancing our children’s school experience through both academic and extracurricular activities. We hold and actively participate in many fund-raising events and encourage all parents to get involved and participate. While we typically rely on our educators to provide the academics and our parents to support events, there are always occasions for collaborative efforts.
The HSA board works closely with SJDR’s administration and staff to organize and support school programs, activities, parties, and class trips throughout the school year.
We need your help to ensure that our school…your school…is providing the best education and experiences for our children. There are many different events and committees to join. We look forward to seeing you share your talents with us. The school staff is extremely grateful for the love and support shown to our school by the HSA.